Brisbane Colposcopy Clinic

Brisbane Colposcopy Clinic @the Mill is the trusted Gynaecology specialist clinic in Brisbane run by a Gynaecological oncologist who specialises in Colposcopy and treatment of abnormal Pap smears.  It offers women who have an abnormal Pap smear with prompt comprehensive service, from initial consultation to Colposcopy, through to treatment with LLETZ / LEEP and ongoing follow-up.

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What is Colposcopy?

Colposcopy is used to examine the cervix (neck of the womb) when a woman has an abnormal Pap smear or has abnormal vaginal bleeding.  The new Australian cervical screening program was implemented in December 2017, and all women who test positive for high risk strains of HPV will also require a Colposcopy.

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Abnormal Pap Smear

Being told that you have an abnormal Pap smear can be a daunting experience for many women. The most important thing to know is that an abnormal Pap smear result does not mean you have Cancer of the Cervix. Further tests need to be done, including a Colposcopy to carefully examine the cervix in detail.

Brisbane Colposcopy Clinic looks after many women of Brisbane with abnormal Pap smears. Appointments are available within days, reducing the anxious waiting period for information and results, and streamlining the treatment for women with abnormal Pap smears, high risk HPV tests, or abnormal vaginal bleeding. Private Health Insurance is not essential, and Medicare rebates are available for the cost of the consultation and Colposcopy.

Dr Amy Tang

Gynaecological Oncologist, Certified Colposcopist

Dr Amy Tang Gynaecologist
Certified Gynaecological Oncologist Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Dr Amy Tang is a female Gynaecologist in Brisbane, with sub-specialist qualifications in Gynaecological Oncologist. She is dedicated to caring for women from all over South-East Queensland with complex Gynaecological concerns, Gynaecological Cancers and Pre-malignant Gynaecological conditions. As a female gynaecologist and gynaecological oncologist in Brisbane, Dr Amy Tang is sympathetic to the needs of women. She understands that a referral to see a sub-specialist Gynaecologist can be a daunting experience. Amy will do everything she can to make the experience easier for her patients. She is a gynaecologist who specialises in the management of cancerous and pre-cancerous disorders of the female reproductive system.

As a female gynaecological oncologist, Dr Amy Tang has cared for many thousands of women diagnosed with cancers and pre-cancerous gynaecological conditions.  For women with abnormal Pap smears, Dr Amy Tang runs the Brisbane Colposcopy Clinic, streamlining the process of initial consultation and Colposcopy with cervical biopsy, and performing treatment with LLETZ for pre-cancer of the cervix (dysplasia).  Dr Tang is a true believer in early detection of cervical abnormalities and prevention of cervical cancer.

Gynaecologist Dr Amy Tang works within a multi-disciplinary team in Brisbane, including medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, cancer nurses, physiotherapists, pathologists and clinical psychologists, with the aim of providing the best comprehensive care for her patients.

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